One question that comes up time and time again about Serverless is how to run it at scale across a team. There are a lot of things to plan for and address: operations, automation, security, team collaboration, architecture design, and process.
These are tough questions, which is why we're bringing Jared Short, our Head of Developer Relations and Experience, to San Francisco for a one-day Serverless Workshop!
The workshop is on March 1st in San Francisco, California. Read below for more details, or go ahead and Register here.
Who is this workshop for?
Short answer, you. Whether you're new to serverless and this is your first time deploying an API, or if you've been running serverless for a few years, you'll take a lot of great things away from this workshop. We'll start with serverless APIs and carry it all the way through serverless DevOps and how you should think about organizing your code and teams.
What you'll learn:
- Deploying functions and APIs from start to finish
- Managing event-driven computing and deploying event-driven services
- Organizing code and teams, devops, CI/CD, and culture and ownership
This workshop is designed for you (and your whole team). By the end, we want to ensure you're confident in following best practices, and you know how to build out and run serverless tech within your team.
How to register
The workshop is one full day. Registration is $500, with limited early-bird tickets available for $400. Plus, if you use the promocode SLSBlog
, you can save an additional 20% off of the cost of registration!
Register for the workshop today!
If you have any questions at all, reach out to us on Twitter or drop a comment below.